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To Connect

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What is tech2impact HUB?
Unlock the power of the global purpose-driven innovation network with tech2impact HUB. As a member, you'll gain access to a network of over 1,000 innovators united by a shared mission to transform industries, people, and the planet. Connect and collaborate through member introductions, attend curated virtual and in-person events, access pre-recorded knowledge sessions, and enroll in our 6-month mentorship program tailored for innovators.


Global Network with facilitated introductions
Connect and collaborate with over 1000+ purpose-driven innovators and be part of a mission-driven network. Moreover, with access to our member's directory + matchmaking features, you will get curated introductions at your fingertips.
Curated events
Participate in our networking and educational events like Grill Me, where ventures get grilled on various topics (eg: pitching, scaling, etc), or Innovators Circle, peer2peer knowledge and experience sharing
Knowledge Resources
Tap into our Members hub, where you will find recorded knowledge sessions and resources for further learning and development
Why Join?

  • Be part of an active community on Slack
  • Get introduced to relevant stakeholders (corporates, scale-ups, investors)
  • Access mentorship program and minimum 6 hours of 1on1 mentorship from experienced innovators and industry experts
  • Participate in various events like Gril Me where you can pitch and get feedback or events like Innovators Circle to discuss topics around personal and professional development
  • Opportunity to get connected with potential investors through the HUB's fundraising service


Purpose Tech Startup Founder
Building tech solutions to make this world a better place
Purpose Tech Scale-up Founder or Team Member
Seeking for guidance to accelerate the growth of their purpose tech solutions
Innovators in a large-scale organization
Like corporate and institutions, curious about how to make a meaningful impact
Purpose-Driven Investors
Looking to fund and support tech solutions that create positive impact

For Members

Mentorship Program
For startup, scale up, and corporate members
Accelerate your journey as a purpose-driven innovator through tech2impact's EDGE Mentorship Program. This six-month experiential program equips you with personalized guidance from the mentor you need the most. Whether it is a coach, helping you to get rid of roadblocks, an experienced founder or industry leader, sharing their experience and strategic insights, or skills experts helping you reach your next milestone, you will find YOUR mentor in our worldwide network of mentors and innovators. Unlock your full potential, build a solid strategy, forge valuable connections, and create lasting positive change.
Fundraising Services
For startup and scale-up members
Tap into tech2impact's fundraising expertise to fuel your purpose-driven venture's growth. Our network provides unique opportunities to connect with investors aligned with your vision for innovation and impact. Whether you're raising Pre-seed, Seed, or Series A, our focused investor introductions and pitching resources can accelerate your fundraising journey.
  • Access to the database of investors
  • Warm introductions to investors
  • Pitch feedback
Iris Skrami

tech2impact is an amazing and diverse community that you simply can't miss if you are building an impact startup.

Iris Skrami
Co-Founder of Renoon
Fabian Konstant

If you are looking for a purpose-driven, fun, inspiring network and events that bring like-minded people together and encourage you to think outside the box, tech2impact is your go-to network. I am truly impressed by their energy and enthusiasm and how this translated to all participants. I can't recommend tech2impact enough!

Fabian Konstant
Business Development, Mastercard
Membership Plans

Community Membership


  • Access to Slack Community (Limited)
  • Monthly newsletter with insights, news, and opportunities
  • Access to Members Directory with 10 warm introductions
  • Recorded event content (webinars & Innovators Circle)
  • Innovators Circle events (bimonthly/quarterly)
Get Started

* Investors have unlimited introductions on both plans

Discount eligibility:

  • Startups - 25%
  • NGOs - 30%
  • Developing countries - 35%
  • Students - 50%
Are you an investor and would like to join?Sign up here

Growth Membership


  • Access to Members Directory with unlimited warm introductions
  • Access to the Connectors Network (coming soon)
  • Full access to the Slack community (including channels on personal growth)
  • Exclusive Knowledge Hub content focused on personal growth, investment readiness, and corporate-startup collaboration
  • EDGE Mentorship Program (6 months of 1:1 mentorship)
  • EDGE Deep Dives Sessions (monthly)
  • Grill Me sessions for feedback on your pitch
  • Local Networking Meetups
  • Access to investor database and warm introductions
  • Discounts on various tools and events
  • + all benefits of Community Membership
Get Started
Book a Call
Are you not sure about which membership suits you? Do you want to purchase a team package? Do you have any other questions about the membership?
Book a call with our business development team!
Corporates & Institutions
Petra Capin
Petra Capin

Co-Founder & Head of Business Development

Book a Call
Startups & Scale up
Laure Anne Gueguen
Laure Anne Gueguen

Business Development Manager

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